2015 Ghent Lightfestival social media
2015 Ghent Lightfestival social media

The people have spoken!
We are honored by your compliments! YAY!
Radio2 Lichtfestival

Interview with Belgian national RADIO2

RADIO2 journalist and fellow Ghentian Wim Pote honored us with a visit during the construction of °RAINRAINRAIN° underneath the Sint-Joris bridge. Completely surprised and focussed on the build-up we gave our best answers. ROCK 'N' ROLL!
You can re-listen the interview downhere!
On the road to the lightfestival Ghent 2015
Designs for different locations around the city.
As safety comes first, police and firemen were not convinced the Sint-Jorisbridge and her bike lane is a 'ready to pass location' for hundreds and hundreds of thousand spectators.
As such we made different suggestions for different locations. While evolving we got the GREAT news the bridge was 'safety cleared' and it was possible to move back to the initial place. The beloved Sint-Joris Bridge! As a child I passed this bridge, every day to and from school, twice. Who could then ever think this is happening now... Certainly not mini-me! YAY!
Nevertheless we would like to show you the suggestions that never made reality... YET! ;)
1. CLOUD 9

3. CLOUD 9: The anatomy of a cloud
On the road to the lightfestival Ghent 2015
The installation of °RAINRAINRAIN° St-Jorisbrug: EVOLUTION (the build up)
Every idea starts from the drawing board! Playing with shapes and levels. To obtain a nice abstract Pixelcloud feeling! Do you like to the evolution in design? Please watch our next post of °RAINRAINRAIN° designs for different locations.
To obtain the best result, you need to team up with the best possible match.
Scaffolding compagnie STEICON from Eeklo was our best match! They are not only highly skilled specialists in hanging constructions and have tons of experience with constructions on deepsea drill platforms, they had also an instant feel of enthousiasm while I explaned them to wich level I wanted to take this project. I can only be lyrical about how Steicon thought along with us from their experience and the amount of flexibility Cedric Desmedt and his team were willing to offer! Great minds think alike! YAY!
Every puzzle starts with a test!
Here we are at the STEICON facilities, Nieuwendorpe 41, 9900 Eeklo.
Studies and STEICON experience made us design this hanging construction to be the best fitting underneath this special kind of bridge.
Oh lovely PORTUS GANDA, YES you are beautifull! Totally in love with my city!
And there we go! YAY!
YAY! 'Le decision taking moment' how and where to rain. YAY!
YAY! TEST RUN! Let's fire it up for the first time... HOW EXCITING! YAY!